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We do and work with others who are providing Travel Services for Americans going to Asia:

It really changes allot. People are coming and going all the time if they have money and when times are good. But people cancel last minute all the time too! But we keep trying to meet Americans wishes, desires, and needs with people local to where they wish to go! Mostly those going to the Philippines!

Note: (Very little experience needed usually often what is expected); Live in Companion; Nanny (if child); Maid duties; -For Man- Independent living (they can usually eat, bathe and dresses them selves but may need your help at times). You guiding them around or getting things for them or getting someone to get a service or work done for them. They often like or require foot or body massage, pumice stone heel rub and for toe calluses, nail manicure, ingrown nail removal, shopping, cooking, washing dishes and clothes, some house cleaning. Many want you to escort and guide them around the local area. Often man will want what they think is a pretty, sexy young Filipina because they want you to be a companion and accompany them both day & nights maybe! So be aware and decide if you can do that. If live in you may wish to guide him, live and stay in an area away from family and friends. You may also be going shopping with him, to Malls, out to dinners, parties, movies, other activities. Often nightly companion duties are desired or even required by him as a condition of your services to him. You should try to discuss these things if possible with him once you are given contact information and before he comes there and meets you! What is his intentions let him know if your not willing to bend, adapt or try. If you don't there may be trouble between you. If so you will not get paid or paid as much and we will have travelers unhappy with our services. We can not use you or use you ever again if you make our visitors traveling there unhappy with us!

By nature these are temporary chances for local Filipina's to earn some badly needed cash, quickly! Your paid (usually) much higher amounts then you could earn by working locally doing the same job for other Filipino's. Also they are Americans, so better living circumstances are possible while working or staying with them. Also it's a chance to meet and improve the conditions your living in now. Also who knows what could happen between you after spending some time together. Maybe your able to make connections with others while there with them. But as they are travelers visiting most return home after a few days or weeks so your job opportunity may be over when they leave, (rather then permanent jobs), (but sometimes they relocate or stay for extended periods too)! Some marry and end up staying in the Philippines. At the least it is chance for improved living, visiting, shopping at stores, malls, eating regular or eating out in restaurants, having nicer food, going to movies, traveling with them around places as they go! It's a way for some Temporary, quick cash opportunities you might not otherwise have. Most of them may not require NBI checks or any College Degrees of you to work for them. You need little or no experience usually. Be agreeable with a happy sweet personality and use what you learned growing up with your family in the province; that may be all you need to work for them as a Companion, Nanny or Maid! Most are men often traveling without families who desire younger Filipina's so the services you could provide him if willing, if your able to make him happy, keep him happy, may greatly increase what he is willing to pay you, give, or buy for you, as you go around together! Even if you never have or don't know how. He is an American man (more worldly, experienced). It's likely he is willing show you, to teach you what he wants, and pay you while you learn, become experienced! Other then your sweet companionship typical services they want is guiding them around showing them the best places, to get things, go buy things or help them do it at cheaper prices then they might have paid without your help. Not allot of experience is needed to wash cloths, do house cleaning and cooking for them. Even as a care giver they may not require or ask for proof. They may just require nail care, aid in getting around, getting things, shaving, showering or bathing, dressing and such. Most because they are able to travel to the Philippines can walk and do most things for them selves. Not always though! If you have problems in your NBI record or providing proof of a high school or college degree or for what ever your claiming to be able to do make sure you let us know so we can try to cover or place you with someone who won't ask or does not care. Maybe we have someone else you will be able to do something for to earn cash.

For those interested in Modeling once we give you contact information with the modeling agency your services for them and their requirements of you and amounts they will pay you for what you do is between you and them! We just provide you contact with them. We can help provide them with our resources (contact with you and others) and they can provide you the opportunity you are looking for (the chance to do modeling, be an actress or other, in the USA, maybe be able to go there to earn big amounts for the future).

If you don't have an Email get one! Always try to keep a stable cell phone number (try not to change numbers)! Without these you have no chance, no opportunity now or in the future to earn from us or others in the USA! You Need Contacts!